Maple Alee CR

Please note: The Maple Allee CR is private property but is open for pedestrian only access to Habitat conservation areas. Read more about Conservation Restrictions.

This conservation restriction on the north side of Concord Avenue abuts the Weeks Meadow conservation restriction and consists of a 750 foot gravel lane lined with mature trees, vacant fields and meadows extendingto Somerset Street, a designated scenic way. The lane is open for pedestrian only public access, including to the adjoining Audubon Weeks Meadow property and Habitat preserve.

The portion of the conservation restriction along Concord Avenue contributes to the scenic, natural condition of the general area as it appears to vehicles and pedestrians traveling on Concord Avenue by providing a “long view” or vista of undeveloped land almost all the way to Somerset Street. The uniform mature maple trees lining both sides of the lane are at least 100 years old. At the northern end of the Conservation Restriction, the land widens significantly into an area of fields and meadows, including additional trees and bushes, left largely in their natural state and ends in a building envelope enclosing a farmhouse once belonging to relatives of the well-known landscape painter, Winslow Homer. He is believed to have walked this property and may have used it as inspiration in some of his works of art.

“Maple Allee” CR

  • Location: Concord Avenue to Somerset Street
  • Date acquired: 2004
  • Donated by: Anne Allen
  • Acreage: 1.6 acres