Category: BLT CR
Wellington/ Haase CR
The Conservation Restriction Area of over three acres consists mostly of uninterrupted and undisturbed forest surrounding an historic Greek Revival house and barn. The portion nearest Concord Avenue contributes to the scenic, natural condition of the general area around the avenue, a major thoroughfare, by providing a vista of undeveloped land that lies close to the…
Weeks Meadow CR
The Weeks Meadow property consists of 2.59 acres of gently sloping upland meadow, early successional and woodland habitat in Belmont, Mass. acquired by Mass Audubon in 2010 from John and Katharine Weeks and incorporated into its Habitat Wildlife Sanctuary. To the west the property abuts the Weeks Pond parcel, gifted by Mr. and Mrs. Weeks…
Belmont Woman’s Club CR
This conservation restriction, which is located within the local Pleasant Street Historic District and which lies directly opposite the historic National Register “Town Hall Complex” preserves a very visible and prominent historic landscape as well as valuable open space in a densely developed urban environment. It is comprised of approximately 54,854 square feet of open…
Belmont Gardens
Belmont Gardens is owned and managed by the Belmont Land Trust. It was a gift by the Lenk family to the Belmont Land Trust in 2005. The wooded lot consists of approximately .4 acre of land along Hoitt Road in the Winn Brook neighborhood. The open land was once part of an eight acre greenhouse…
Maple Alee CR
Please note: The Maple Allee CR is private property but is open for pedestrian only access to Habitat conservation areas. Read more about Conservation Restrictions. This conservation restriction on the north side of Concord Avenue abuts the Weeks Meadow conservation restriction and consists of a 750 foot gravel lane lined with mature trees, vacant fields and meadows extendingto Somerset…
Allen CR
Please note: The Allen CR is private property, not open to the public. Read more about Conservation Restrictions. The restricted area on the south side of Concord Avenue, consisting of forest, fields and meadows, abuts the Shapiro conservation restriction, and includes a stone wall which is a continuation of a wall protected by that restriction and enlarges and…
Shapiro CR
The Shapiro CR represents the first property preserved by the Belmont Land Trust. It consists of sloping, mostly forested land and the wooded portion of the area with a stonewall on the border contributes to the scenic, natural condition of the general area as it appears to vehicles and pedestrians traveling on Concord Avenue. This…